You are here: 4. Point of Sale > 4.5. ORDER COMPLETION Menu > 4.5.1. Order Completion - Order Scheduler > Managing and Completing Orders > Order Details - Item Inquiry
Order Details - Item Inquiry

When you have selected a sales order in the Order Scheduler, you can inquire on any item on the order.

  1. Display the order you want to maintain on the Order Details screen.

Refer to "Managing and Completing Orders".

  1. In the Items fields at the top of the screen, select the item you want to inquire on.
  1. Select ITEM INQUIRY.

Micronet displays the Select Output Device screen.

  1. Select whether you want your inquiry displayed on screen, printed, saved to a specific type of file, faxed, or emailed in a specific format.



For more details on these options, refer to "Selecting the Output for Inquiries and Reports".